Museums – Northeast Kingdom

Northeast Kingdom Vermont Museums

St.  Johnsbury Glover Brownington VT Museums & Planetariums

VT museums guideVermont’s rural and beautiful Northeast Kingdom is home to several of the most unique museums in the entire state. The historic and impressive Old Stone House Museum is a fascinating place. Located in rural Brownington, this former school dormitory houses a collection of early educational items. St. Johnsbury Vermont feature two wonderful museums; the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum (Public Library) is a historic structure that houses some incredible artwork. St. Johnsbury’s Fairbanks Museum, located just a short walk from the Athenaeum, features a remarkable planetarium.

On VT Route 122 in Glover Vermont, you will find another unique museum. The Bread and Puppet Theatre Museum features dozens of giant puppets and “cheap art” for sale. Children and adults alike will marvel at the brightly painted puppets and designs. ask us about VT Museum or share your Vermont museum comments. To feature your business in Vermont Living, contact us.

Northeast Kingdom Vermont Museums

vermont museums planetariums collections displays guides historyFairbanks Museum and Planetarium
Main Street
St. Johnsbury, VT
Ph: 802-748-2372.
This one-of-a-kind Victorian masterpiece contains world-class exhibits and collections for all ages. Admission is charged.

Bread and Puppet Theatre Museum
Rt. 122
Glover, VT
The world’s largest collection of giant puppets and masks located in a former dairy barn. Performances, artwork for sale.

The St. Johnsbury Athenaeum
1171 Main Street
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
Ph: 802-748-8291
A private, nonprofit public library and art gallery located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. The Athenaeum is a legacy of the Fairbanks Family of St. Johnsbury, inventors and manufacturers of the world’s first platform scale, who gave the Athenaeum to the town of St. Johnsbury in 1871.

The Old Stone House Museum
Brownington Road
Brownington, VT
Ph: 802-754-2022
A building as fascinating as the collection it houses. Built as a school dormitory in the 1830’s, this four-story structure was designed and erected by a man believed to be America’s first black college graduate and first black legislator, the Reverend Alexander Twilight. Displays include; tools, kitchenware, needlework, crafts, furniture, and art. Alexander Twilight’s desk and Bible are on display here.

Northeast Kingdom Vermont Vacations
Northeast Kingdom Vermont

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Vermont Museums

Champlain Valley VT Museums
Burlington, Middlebury, St. Albans, the Islands of NW Vermont
North Central VT Museums
Montpelier, Barre, Randolph, Waterbury, Stowe, Mad River Valley
Northeast Kingdom VT Museums
St. Johnsbury, Newport, Barton, Lyndonville, Burke, Jay, Island Pond
South Central VT Museums
Rutland, White River Jct., Woodstock, Quechee, Brandon, Killington, Ludlow, Weston, Chester
Southern VT Museums
Bennington, Brattleboro, Manchester, Arlington, Newfane, Mt. Snow area

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