Quechee Lakes Ski Area
Quechee Lakes Ski Area is a small downhill ski area primarily for the local residents and vacationers at Quechee Lakes. South Central Vermont is home to several outstanding winter resorts. Vermont’s largest ski area Killington Mountain Resort is located here and includes Pico Mountain. Find the popular Okemo Mountain Resort in Ludlow. Just north of Woodstock is the hill where skiing began – Suicide Six Ski Area. Please share your Quechee Lakes Vermont ski area review and comments. To feature your VT business, contact us.
Quechee Lakes Ski Resort
Quechee Lakes Ski Area
PO Box 1301
Quechee, VT 05059
Ph.: 802-295-9356
12 trails, 3 lifts, 100 acres of skiing terrain
Narrow, old style New England ski trails and scenic beauty with a 650′ vertical drop and 100% snowmaking. The Terrain Park at Quechee Lakes consists of a series of jumps, bumps, and swails–sure to satisfy the daredevil side of any progressive skier. Ski area is open until 4 p.m.
Getting There: From Boston: I-93 North to Exit 12/I-89 North, I-89 North to Exit 1/Rte. 4 West Rte.4 West, right on Waterman Hill Road.
From Montreal: Rte. 10 East to Exit 121/Rte. 55 South, Rte. 55 South to I-91 South, I-91 South to Exit 10/I-89 North, I-89 North to Exit 1/Rte. 4 West, Rte. 4 West, right on Waterman Hill Road.
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Vermont Ski Areas

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South Central VT Ski Areas
Rutland, White River Jct., Woodstock, Quechee, Brandon, Killington, Ludlow, Weston, Chester
Southern VT Ski Areas
Bennington, Brattleboro, Manchester, Arlington, Newfane, Mt. Snow area
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