Wild Turkeys
Vermont Game Hunting
The return of the Wild Turkey is more than catchy saying, it represents a huge success in conservation. As the forests of Vermont and northern New England changed so did the size of Vermont’s wild turkey population. As Vermont became reforested the habitat for wild turkey improved and beginning in 1969 the Vermont Fish and Game Department obtained 17 wild turkeys from southwestern New York and freed them in Pawlet, Vermont. This liberation was just the beginning, as subsequent years brought more wild turkey releases. Today the flock numbers in excess of 30,000 birds. Ask us about Vermont Wildlife or share comments. To feature your business, contact us.
Vermont Wildlife – Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkey Habitat
Wild Turkeys are now seen throughout northern New England.. Prime wild turkey habitat consits of lightly wooded areas, a mix of agricultural land and forest. Areas near established dairy farms often offer mature nut-bearing oak and hickory trees – a popular food source for wild turkeys. Small flocks of wild turkey are oten seen in recently plowed fields with forest nearbly. A wealth of information can be obtained by visiting the areas you plan to hunt well in advance of hunting season. Get to know the “lay of the land”, procure your license, receive the permission of cooperative land owners, and pick up advice and recommendations from locals. Hunting on private property without permission can be hazardous to your health.
Vermont Game Species
For more information about Vermont Hunting and Vermont Hunting laws, licenses, rules, and regulations write to the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-0501 or telephone 802-241-3700.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is providing a toll-free telephone line as a service to in-state hunters. The hunter information line provides hunters with hunting conditions, season news, harvest numbers and other season updates including deer hunting conditions, hunter education classes and other info. The toll-free number is 800-718-HUNT, out-of-state callers may reach the line by calling 1-802-241-4349.

A plump Vermont turkey crosses the road.
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